Current Network Shows

Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: A Little Hokey, but Not Bad

NBC’s new musical dramedy “Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist” premiered recently. I was pretty interested in this one after seeing the teaser, as it looked like a quirky-funny chick-flick type show. It stars Jane Levy, who played the teenage main character in ABC’s “Suburgatory” a few years back. And it has the guy who played the love… Continue reading Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist: A Little Hokey, but Not Bad

Amazon Prime · Movies

Eighth Grade is a Well-Done Film, but Not for the Faint of Heart

I first heard about the coming of age indie film Eighth Grade some time ago when it was garnering a bunch of critical acclaim around the time it came out last year.  I stumbled upon an article about it that mentioned it was written and directed by a dude who is almost exactly my age, so… Continue reading Eighth Grade is a Well-Done Film, but Not for the Faint of Heart

Current Network Shows

NBC’s Good Girls is Highly Entertaining, with a Side of Feminism

I thought from the get-go that the premise of NBC’s new mid-season dramedy “Good Girls” sounded worth checking out. Probably not something I’d be able to convince my husband to watch with me, but it still looked like fun.  “Thelma and Louise meets Breaking Bad,” is how they described it, with a big picture of… Continue reading NBC’s Good Girls is Highly Entertaining, with a Side of Feminism

Current Network Shows · On Netflix

The Epic Disappointments of Jane the Virgin

I never wanted to write this post. What I wanted was to finish watching season 3 of “Jane the Virgin” on Netflix and go out on the inevitable cliffhanger, and at least be able to recommend the show with some reservations. Instead, I stopped after the 18th episode of the season and said enough is… Continue reading The Epic Disappointments of Jane the Virgin