Most of the other Catholic parents that I’m acquainted with allow their little kids to occasionally watch harmless cartoons… Continue Reading

Even if you’re super into Santa Clause stories (which, for the record, I am not), the sheer number of generic, almost made-for-TV type movie options along these lines that can be found… Continue Reading
Basically, when you hear that a movie is Pixar, you know it’s good (we’ll forget about Cars 2 for a moment). Most of the time, Disney Pixar movies… Continue Reading
A Wrinkle in Time is More Flash than Substance
I’ve never read Madeleine L’Engle’s fantasy classic novel. And I only knew very vaguely what it was about, until I googled its plot before watching the movie. So, I’m not at all of the camp that is up in arms… Continue Reading
Apparently, I missed hearing about this movie when it first came out in 2014. I’d never heard of it until we stumbled upon it on Netflix one day while… Continue Reading
I remember, at some point in my adolescence, a new prime-time comedy show came out on one of the networks, a show called “Baby Bob.” The premise was… Continue Reading
Often, when a big new animated movie comes out on DVD, we rent it from Redbox and watch it together with our 3 year old for a little family movie night… Continue Reading
I saw the trailer for The LEGO Batman Movie a few months back and thought it looked like a fairly promising family movie night choice that my husband and I might enjoy along with our 3-year-old… Continue Reading
Typically, when I sit down to watch a Pixar movie with my toddler (or in the past, by myself or with my husband…), I know it’s going to be good. Let’s forget about Cars 2 for a moment, and acknowledge… Continue Reading
I first watched Pixar’s Up years ago, probably around the time it came out on DVD, and I remember liking it, but honestly the movie as a whole was not… Continue Reading
I’m about to say something that could make me wildly unpopular: I didn’t love Despicable Me. Partly, it had too much cutesie/gimmicky humor. And partly… Continue Reading
Kids shows are annoying. Let’s face it. Put them on loop, and we parents basically want to shoot ourselves… Continue Reading