I never read the novel Watership Down, and I didn’t actually know anything about it, before I watched the new animated Netflix limited series adaptation of it… Continue Reading
Even if you’re super into Santa Clause stories (which, for the record, I am not), the sheer number of generic, almost made-for-TV type movie options along these lines that can be found… Continue Reading
I reviewed the Netflix original series “Daredevil” a while back, after I’d watched (and enjoyed) the first two seasons. I’d loved the positive portrayal… Continue Reading
When it comes to young adult movies, Netflix originals seem to me to be pretty hit or miss. Some of them, like Candy Jar, are pretty clean, fun, and well-done. And some… Continue Reading
So, I’ve taken a long time to get around to seeing what’s pretty much the most critically acclaimed Marvel movie ever made. To be honest, I probably still… Continue Reading
I first heard of a novel called The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society from the blog of a film school acquaintance of mine. She’d posted… Continue Reading
I first saw the trailer for the Netflix movie Brain on Fire as one of those pop up-type trailers when Netflix opens that start playing before you even select anything. Most of the time… Continue Reading
I saw the first Thor movie in college because some friends I was with wanted to watch it on DVD. And I found it a fairly forgettable, standard superhero movie… Continue Reading
Basically, when you hear that a movie is Pixar, you know it’s good (we’ll forget about Cars 2 for a moment). Most of the time, Disney Pixar movies… Continue Reading
When NBC first premiered its comedy starring Kristen Bell as a girl who’s made it to the “Good Place” after death, I gave the pilot a shot and then quickly gave up… Continue Reading
I tend not to get too terribly excited anymore when I see a new Netflix original movie or series that’s in the young adult genre, despite the fact that… Continue Reading
I’ve never made a secret of the fact that I can’t stand most “Faith-Based” or “Christian” movies. After years of feeling a little guilty that I found them almost unbearably cheesy… Continue Reading
I have to say, I’m rather excited by the media buzz surrounding the Netflix original series “Stranger Things,” with the premier of its second season this past Friday. One of the big reasons… Continue Reading
Initially, I was drawn to the Netflix original series “Atypical” more because it was a show that appeared to be about teenagers and family life than because of its actual premise… Continue Reading
I’ve heard a lot of varying reactions to Disney’s live action Beauty and the Beast remake. I’m talking, thoughts that are so radically different they span the range… Continue Reading
I watched the original “Full House” quite a bit when I was little. My parents didn’t let us watch just anything, but “Full House” seemed to be a no-brainer for them to allow… Continue Reading
Apparently, I missed hearing about this movie when it first came out in 2014. I’d never heard of it until we stumbled upon it on Netflix one day while… Continue Reading
I love a good young adult, coming of age story. And… I hate a bad one. There’s been a weird phenomenon lately, where most of the ones I’ve see on-screen have been falling into the latter category… Continue Reading
I’m not really a comic-book geek or anything, and yet I admit that I was fairly excited for the Netflix original “The Defenders” series to premier. Mostly I think I was just hoping… Continue Reading
I started watching “Malcolm in the Middle” by myself on a whim, a couple years ago, when my oldest kid was too tiny to have a clue about anything inappropriate it might contain… Continue Reading
It seems to me that, in the library of Netflix original series, there is a glut of both sci-fi options and mystery/detective-type shows. We’ve tried our fair share of… Continue Reading
I love comedies. But the thing is, in recent years anyway, your typical straight-up broad comedy movie has a lot of raunchy material in it… Continue Reading
Often, when a big new animated movie comes out on DVD, we rent it from Redbox and watch it together with our 3 year old for a little family movie night… Continue Reading
I never wanted to write this post. What I wanted was to finish watching season 3 of “Jane the Virgin” on Netflix and go out on the inevitable cliffhanger… Continue Reading
I never watched any of ABC’s popular drama “Lost” when it was still airing weekly, but I definitely remember the buzz and excitement over the last couple seasons… Continue Reading
The most recent Star Wars movie, Rogue One, is already on Netflix streaming. My husband is a fairly big fan of sci-fi in general and Star Wars in particular… Continue Reading
I’ll be the first to admit that I know very little when it comes things like modern warfare or the intricacies of the recent Middle Eastern conflicts that the U.S. has taken part in… Continue Reading
When I was about 32 weeks pregnant with my now 7-month old son, my husband and I had just finished the show we’d been watching nightly on Netflix and needed something new to try… Continue Reading
I think it’s not a big stretch to say that most fans of the original “Gilmore Girls” series were somewhat unsatisfied with the way it ended. Not enough closure… Continue Reading
I remember when “Gilmore Girls” was in its last few seasons on the CW. I was in high school at the time, and it was one of the first shows that I ever watched weekly as it aired. Eventually… Continue Reading
It’s been a while since I’ve seen a movie that I disliked enough to write a fun rip-apart review on. Enter Marvel’s Doctor Strange… Continue Reading
Most of the time when my husband and I try a new show on Netflix that we’ve never even heard of until we spot it in some suggestion list, it’s not very good. If it’s not… Continue Reading
I think my husband and I didn’t really know what we were getting ourselves into when we started watching the Netflix original drama-thriller “Bloodline.” Mostly, I think we decided… Continue Reading
Whenever my husband and I finish a show on Netflix, we tend to have to try at least two or three new ones before we settle on one we like enough. Between our high… Continue Reading
The Amy Adams/Clint Eastwood baseball movie Trouble with the Curve recently came to Netflix. I’d heard of it before, was vaguely aware that I’d heard of it in a positive light… Continue Reading
I had literally never heard of “Life in Pieces” when it came to Netflix a couple months ago. Apparently it premiered on CBS in 2015, but I guess I missed it. When I saw… Continue Reading
I’ve been a fan of historical drama since my pre-teen days of reading things like Little Women and wondering why Little House on the Prairie was so boring. So I do love when… Continue Reading
I was never a huge fan of NBC’s “The Office” when it was in its prime-time prime. I’d tried watching it once or twice at some random mid-season episode and couldn’t quite understand the hype… Continue Reading
My husband Luke was in a journalism class last semester, and he had a homework assignment to watch one of two journalist-themed movies, one of which was the 2016 Oscar winner Spotlight… Continue Reading
Sometimes when I look up Oscar-nominated movies (since I often haven’t heard of them until they are nominated), I get really excited about them. The Big Short was not one of those movies… Continue Reading
My husband and I started watching the Netflix Original series “Daredevil” a few months after it was released, kind of on a whim, knowing very little about it, beyond… Continue Reading
There’s actually a social media campaign going around right now to stop ABC’s “Last Man Standing” from being canceled. I completely understand the sentiment… Continue Reading
I must confess that I was excited to watch Netflix’s new series, “13 Reasons Why.” As much as one can be excited to watch something that has as the core of its premise… Continue Watching
I have a confession to make. I didn’t like The Notebook. I know, it’s almost like I lose some serious girl-cred to even say that. Because women in general seem to think… Continue Reading
When Luke and I started watching Iron Fist, we had high hopes for it. So far, Daredevil was the only Netflix Original Marvel universe show we had watched… Continue Reading
House of Cards wasn’t really on my radar as something I wanted to watch. It wasn’t in my Netflix queue, and I honestly didn’t know too much about it. Then one day… Continue Reading
CW’s “Frequency” looked to me like it might be okay, when it first came out this last fall. But it didn’t excite me enough to jump on the premier bandwagon and wait to watch an episode faithfully every week… Continue Reading
Sometimes I’ll see movies that I’ve never heard of in the “Trending Now” list on Netflix, and I’ll get excited about the possibility of finding a hidden gem… Continue Reading
The former NBC action comedy series “Chuck” is one of the best examples of a TV show becoming intertwined in my life… Continue Reading